South Africa
Getting to know the app 30 Apr 2024

Switch your OTP preference

DigiMe’d customers can change the OTP preference on the App in a few easy steps
Step 1 of 6

To begin, you need to access your profile by selecting:

  • More (on the bottom navigation),
  • your profile (on the top), and
  • the Personal details menu option



Refer to our Manage your Profile help guide to see this step-by-step guide

Step 2 of 6

Now, on the Your Profile screen, tap on the OTP Preferences icon.

Step 3 of 6

If you have more than one card linked to your profile, you must select the card you’d like to change the OTP preference for.

If you only have ONE card linked to your profile, you will skip this step.

Step 4 of 6

Now, select the OTP preference that you would like to switch to for this card.

Step 5 of 6

Finally, select DONE (on the top navigation).

Step 6 of 6

All done!
Your OTP Preference has been successfully updated.

When you’re ready, use the back arrow buttons in the header (top left-hand corner) to return to the home screen.
