South Africa
Keeping your money safe 30 Jul 2024

Supercharge your security with DigiME

Secure your Banking App profile by scanning your face to confirm your identity
Step 1 of 15

We've introduced this security feature to protect and make your app experience even better.

To begin select More on the bottom navigation.

Step 2 of 15

Then, select the DigiME option.

Note (as an alternative option):

  • If this option is not available here, select your profile option (on the top)
  • Then select the Link & secure your profile option on the Profile screen 


Step 3 of 15

Now, we need access to your camera to confirm your identity.

If your camera permission has not been enabled for our Banking App, select NEXT.

You will not have these steps if we have you have already enabled permissions for the app to access your camera.

Step 4 of 15

Then, select OK to give us permission to access your camera to confirm your identity.

Step 5 of 15

Next, select the HOME OR WORK button.

Step 6 of 15

Enter your South African ID number and select NEXT when you are done.

Step 7 of 15

We need to scan your face to confirm your identity.

Select NEXT to proceed.

Step 8 of 15

Read the on-screen instructions:

  • You need to hold your phone us so that your face is in the middle of the screen.
  • Keep your head still, and don't speak or smile.
  • Your screen will start flashing while we scan your face.


Select NEXT on each step.

Step 9 of 15

Now, hold your phone so that your face is in the middle of the screen for the facial recognition process to start.

Step 10 of 15

Get ready, in 3 - 2 - 1 ...

Step 11 of 15

Hold steady while the facial recognition scanning is in progress. 

Follow the on-screen prompts.

Step 12 of 15

Next, your facial scan and ID information will be submitted for processing.

Step 13 of 15

You are almost done.
Your identity information has been successfully submitted, and can take up to 12 hours to be verified.

Select OK.

Step 14 of 15

When you return to the Link & Secure screen you will see that your identity confirmation is in progress.

Select OK or the back arrow at the top to return to your home screen, and to continue banking.

Step 15 of 15

Finally, once your identity has been confirmed with the department of Home Affairs, you will see this confirmation message on the Link & Secure screen.

Congratulations, your profile is now linked & secured.

Select OK or the back arrow at the top to return to your home screen, and to continue banking.
