South Africa

Debt consolidation

Do you have too many accounts to pay every month and feel like you’re drowning in debt? Simplify your finances by consolidating your debt into a single manageable account.

What is debt consolidation?

Debt consolidation has been designed to help you manage your finances more easily by consolidating all your existing debts and loans into one account.

When should I consider debt consolidation?

If you are having trouble repaying all your credit accounts and loans or have very little money left at the end of the month after all your debts have been paid, consolidating your debt can very helpful.

How can I benefit from debt consolidation:

  • You make a once-off single payment every month instead of several individual payments
  • You only pay one interest rate, giving lower monthly repayments
  • You won’t easily forget to make your payment each month, which can improve your credit rating 

Is debt consolidation the right solution for you?